10 Ways To Instantly Improve Your Life

Ifemidayo Odekunle
6 min readAug 26, 2024


This is the holy grail of discoveries if you’re looking for tried-and-tested ways to improve your life instantly.

Significant improvement comes from long-term action.

But there are a lot of things you can actively do today that will instantly improve the quality of your life. Let’s take a look together.

Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash
  1. Fix your sleep- Let’s start this list with probably the lowest-hanging fruit. Sleep. Usually, I subscribe to the idea that you should wake up as early as possible and make the most of any given day. And while that’s still true to an extent, one thing that has become more important over the years is the quality of sleep. It doesn’t matter if you wake up regularly at 5 a.m. or if you wake up tired as hell, with a migraine, and in absolutely no mood to get anything done. Go to bed and wake up at the same hours every day. Make your bedroom quiet, dark, and comfortable. That’s pretty much it, for the most part. This is one of the ways anyone can instantly improve their life.
  2. Stay off the grid for as long as possible- And by this, I mean grabbing your phone first thing in the morning, opening YouTube, checking out Instagram or TikTok, looking at your emails, and all that stuff. Look, here is the reality; Today, the internet has one primary function: to keep you there for as long as possible, so it can show you as many ads as possible, so you will buy as many things as possible. It’s not about connecting people again. The point is, the minute you go online, your mind is flooded with useless information. And we are not built for that.

You still need to be able to exist and function in the modern world. But that doesn’t mean you must be online all the time. Nothing happens besides endless distractions. If you’re serious about finding ways to improve your life, try not to touch technology for at least the first couple of hours of the day.

3. Do things slower- Continuing on the idea of technology, this was supposed to make us faster and more efficient. And we all know how that turned out. You used to physically go to meetings, now that everything is one click away, you’d think you’d be done quickly. Whenever you can, try to take things slowly and take your time.

Imagine if, starting today, every email needed to be written manually with a pen and paper. Your spam inbox will probably go to 0 real quick. When you take the proper time to do something, you get to experience it for what it truly is. And improving your life is no exception to that.

4. Take care of your health- The oldest marathon runner started running when he was 89. And he continued to run until he hit 108. He’s now 109 and has stopped.

Very inspiring story. That’s not you, though; let’s be real.

Statistically speaking, the longer you delay taking care of your health, the harder it will be to get it back.

And just because there are some outliers here and there, that doesn’t mean that’s the norm.

Don’t fool yourself into thinking you still have time until you do irreversible damage to yourself.

It really shouldn’t be a shocker that better health equals better quality of life. Everyone knows that.

The question is, when will you start to do something about it?

Will it be too late? Will you still have the strength and willpower to see it through?

You see, you are forever young until you’re suddenly not. Taking care of your health is one of the main ways to instantly improve your life.

5. Reach Out- If you take a broader look, everyone sits in their room, waiting for everyone else to send a message.

And nobody does anything if it is slightly inconvenient.

That’s not the way to do it.

You can be the one that brings people together.

You can organize, plan, make phone calls, send messages, and make dinner reservations.

And you don’t do it because nobody else would.

You do it because you invest in relationships that are important to you.

There is absolutely no gain or superior morale to having to be unreachable or distant. We are tribal.

As much as you like to think of yourself as a lone wolf, you need people around you to share experiences and make memories with.

Don’t wait for others to send that first message and you’ll see your life instantly improve.

6. Spend some time alone

On the flip side, you also need to spend some time alone.

You need introspection and solitude to know and understand yourself.

Deeply understanding yourself is one of the more difficult ways to improve your life. But it yields rewards far greater than you can imagine.

People have gotten so used to scrolling through feeds and being entertained every 2-second interval that they forget what it’s like to be just alone with themselves and their thoughts.

They find it unnatural and awkward.

They have this urge to always do something or always click on something. And that robs you of your personality.

There are great benefits to spending some time with yourself. It can be something as simple as a morning walk in the park with just you, the wind, and the birds.

It’s a time when you dig a bit deeper into what motivates you and what matters to you.

It keeps you grounded and calmer in a world that forces you to feel high and anxious all the time. Disconnecting from all of this can greatly improve your life!

7. Fix easily fixable things

Think of all the little annoyances you encounter daily.

A squeaky door hinge, a leaky faucet, a drawer that sticks, or a light bulb that needs replacing.

Each of these things, taken alone, is minor and of no real importance.

And you kind of learn to live with them because you never find the time to fix them because somehow you always have something better or more important to do.

But, you see, all these things together represent friction in your day-to-day life.

They make it slightly annoying, and they make you get used to being slightly annoyed every time.

Make a list of all the little things that bother you, and start eliminating them. You also get rid of small sources of frustration.

And on top of that, you create a really important habit: improving your life when it needs improving.

When you take care of little things, you’re reinforcing the habit of not ignoring problems, no matter how insignificant they may seem.

8. Achieve and help others do the same

From my own experience, your life satisfaction greatly improves when you do one of these two things.

The first one is when you make something, from start to finish, of which you are proud.

The sense of achievement and satisfaction is unmatched.

When you create, accomplish, or build something you are proud of, it instils a sense of self-efficacy and confidence. It’s a profound feeling.

It makes you feel powerful and tall. And it gives you the motivation to do more.

And equality, if not more rewarding, is the act of helping others to do the same.

It gives you a sense of purpose and fulfilment that is hard to replicate.

It’s about sharing in the joy and pride of someone else’s accomplishment, knowing that you played a part in their journey.

We don’t talk about this enough, but your achievements and the help you give others are one of the strongest ways to improve your life.

9. Commit

Whatever you do, don’t half-ass it.

Instead, do it like it’s your job.

You are not always going to be at your best but you can always commit to a job that’s not half-assed.

If you take a walk in the park, go enjoy it fully. If you reach out and hang out with people, leave your phone on silent.

If you start a new project, give it your best.

If you commit, you’ll find that:

  1. Things you thought were hard are pretty easy
  2. You find a new appreciation for the input you can have.

When you always give it your best, you realize that your best keeps improving.

Evolution is one of the most efficient ways to improve your life

10. Serve God in a Community



Ifemidayo Odekunle
Ifemidayo Odekunle

Written by Ifemidayo Odekunle

I am strongly choleric (leader-like), yet deeply sanguine (pleasure-seeking). I value relationships #ExpandCapacity . I am first HUMAN before MAN.

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