MY 2019- Lessons Beyond the Season

Ifemidayo Odekunle
5 min readDec 30, 2019


I began my 2019 on a great note, cuddled up in bed with a loved one in the city of Abuja and for the first time I did not cross the year over in a church. However, I started with God and putting my year’s goal in His care. I recall writing my goals on a sticky paper and took a picture of it for keepsake and for future reference.

Goals on Sticky note

I put together a list of goals (time-bound) and work plan; at the top of my list was transitioning into a professional job by February, writing the IELTS examination by March was a close second. The majority of my goals for the year were tied to getting a new job signifying the importance of this goal. However, I did not get either of these done by the set time. Obviously, I had plans to achieve all these goals and did my best to stay true to them. But man proposes, God disposes.

I was actively looking for a job while still managing the one I had and you know what they say about finding a job — that in itself is a full-time job. I did get an offer but the pay was synonymous to that of my current job and so I declined (it can only get better, abi? …plus the bills won’t pay itself). Months went by without any callbacks despite sending numerous CVs and leveraging on my network coupled with prayers that I began to wonder if I had done the right thing by declining the earlier offer. I gave up at some point, faced my present job squarely and conditioned myself to be happy about it.

I also did not pass my IELTS exam after significant practice hours. I have no excuses. I was disappointed in myself but we move! The second goal crushed. I had to talk with friends on how disappointed I was, they came through encouraging me and how to prepare better (another reason to have good support systems where you can share your dips and they encourage you to get back up fighting).

Eventually, the dream job offer came; a rigorous recruitment process no doubt (two assessment tests, five interviews) but I got the job to God’s glory. I knew only God could do this, He didn’t make me goalless LOL! Thus, I can boldly say my 2019 started slowly but ended awesome, blessed and fulfilled. I am so grateful.

Me at Work

My thoughts and lessons from my 2019 journey are as follows:

1. Do not be rigid about your goals but be determined to achieve them; it also does a lot of good to have them in molecules. Many times, we set goals within a timeline and once we don’t achieve them within said time, we tend to give up. Life is a roller-coaster, we need to be flexible with the movement (also, make provisions for contingency).

Many times we make a long list of goals, in fact, we carry over goals from the previous year putting ourselves under more pressure. As you set your goals, remember to make Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound (SMART goals). Set SMART goals to avoid disappointments and heartbreaks. I do not believe things fall on people’s laps so get to work and put actions to plans.

2. Serve and respect people, someone is watching — I eventually got a job with a multinational Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) company in the Middle East. They needed a Demand Planner and an employee who happens to be a friend recommended me for the role based on his understanding of my skill set.

3. Always be prepared- The truth is we can never be prepared enough, however, do your best to stay on top of things as opportunities must always meet preparedness. I sent my CV immediately; remember I have been searching for a job endlessly, so I had various versions of CVs for different roles. I had to quickly edit and fine-tune to fit the role he recommended me for. Thankfully, I had a bit of experience in the role.

4. Make your life intentional- Find a purpose! Many motivational speakers say “Discover your purpose”, this makes many people wait and hope their purpose will come in like a thunder strike. NO! You need to find something purposeful to do — -it can be at your workplace, your community, your worship center, your family. Do impactful work.

5. I learned about how investments work and its importance in creating wealth. You do not save to spend, you save to invest. Do check out my thoughts on investment here- Investment Ideas for Young Adult and Savings and Investment Ideas For Students and Young Adults

6. Never stop learning, always listen.

7. Prayer is crucial. Pray always, it is never too much anyway!

2020 is almost here and I am more committed to bigger dreams, developing a clear sense of direction, and doing what I love to do; to work excellently, work harder and rededicate myself to lifelong learning. I am committed to thanking God more in 2020, dedicating myself to the service of others and getting the right people around (decisive and action-oriented people).

Cheers, to 2020!

Cheers to 2020



Ifemidayo Odekunle
Ifemidayo Odekunle

Written by Ifemidayo Odekunle

I am strongly choleric (leader-like), yet deeply sanguine (pleasure-seeking). I value relationships #ExpandCapacity . I am first HUMAN before MAN.

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